Various services
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The customs broker

Expert service, on-call

Whether you enter the port or the original port is which one, we all may at any time to provide you with convenient customs clearance. International logistics co., LTD., in the field, the company's internal customs authorities are, in the form of a day, seven days a week, 24 hours a day in North America all port customs clearance formalities, in order to ensure the most efficient delivery of the goods.

  • In the United States and Canada are licensed, professional customs broker
  • Service all over the world
  • Comprehensive, balanced and system database review
  • Trade compliance support
  • Electronic tracking system
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Provide convenience for cross-border trade

The United States and Canada has a fruit on the planet's most rich (and most valuable) of one of the trade relationship.This is regardless of the nature of the goods, goods best sources or reach the way, our internal team to enter Canada or the United States the reason of the goods for customs clearance.We will according to your individual needs make our mode of transportation, so that you will never be at a loss.

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